Find a partner
Our strategy is aimed at offering organizations worldwide the best solution for controlling exposure to hazardous substances. Safety for workers and legally compliant. But we can’t do it alone. Only by working together with partners we can really deliver on this promise of 'responsible care’. That’s why we’ve secured high level consultancy in both our software and the support for our partners. Partnering is part of our DNA! Chemrade Software has an ever expanding network of partners supporting organizations in every facet of the implementation, use and management of Chemrade.
Solution partners
Chemrade Solution Partners provide content-based consultancy, integration and project implementation. These partners play a vital role in making the use of Chemrade a success. Users grow and change, not only during the implementation phase, but also through the years.
Independent Consultancy Partners
Chemrade Independent Consultancy Partners are professional consultants specialized in occupational hygiene. These partners provide expertise and expert knowledge for a successful integration and implementation of the Chemrade platform at the customer.
Independent Software vendors
Independent software vendors can integrate Chemrade with their own solutions or offer extra functionality on top of the Chemrade platform.