Our approach:
Direct access to shared knowledge
Registering the product inventory and conducting risk assessments can be challenging for many companies. That’s why Chemrade offers an approach in which we take care of everything. Our unique community-based approach provides you with immediate access to shared knowledge, direct support from our specialized team, and a seamless transition to a safer work environment from day one.
Five steps to safety
We help you set up an up-to-date product register, including safety data sheets and (company) limit values. Additionally, we assess workplace characteristics and document all activities involving hazardous substances within your organization.
Based on the input from the inventory, Chemrade automatically performs risk assessments through validated models (Substance Manager Exposure Model and ECETOC-TRA Worker model). This gives you a clear insight into the health risks present in your organization. With room for external (model) estimates and measurement data, our software provides a single platform where you can bundle all information, from safety data sheets to the corresponding risk assessment.
Plan of approach
After identifying the health risks in your organization, Chemrade helps implement control measures following the occupational hygiene strategy outlined by the Dutch Labour Inspectorate (Arbowet) and European REACH obligations. Thanks to our ‘intervention effectiveness’ tool, you can immediately calculate the effect of measures in order to take targeted action for a healthier workplace.
Once all work with hazardous substances has been sufficiently checked, you can use workplace instruction cards (WIKs) to instruct employees on how to work safely with hazardous substances, specifically tailored to your situation. Available via PC, mobile, tablet or business system. With Chemrade you are not only clear and transparent in your communication with your employees, but also compliant with legislation.
Because our platform can offer a solution in various sectors and for various companies, the implementation is customized for each organization. Together, we determine the best way to integrate Chemrade into your operations, whether for a single site or large organizations with multiple locations worldwide. We can handle most of the work for you, outsource certain tasks to one of our partners, or train your team to operate independently.
The ERA Philosophy: Stronger Together
With the Easy Risk Assessment (ERA) module, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. This tool provides an industry-specific solution to help companies identify hazardous substances and ensure a safe working environment. ERA offers access to a comprehensive substance database, allowing you to quickly find and select substances relevant to your organization.
When introducing a new product, you can request approval swiftly and easily. A specialist will answer your questions and ensure you always have the most up-to-date information. By collaborating within the ERA community, we share knowledge and experience, helping each other manage risks and create safer workplaces.

Curious and want to know more about Chemrade?
Contact one of our expertsCall 024-3628830