New mobile app for sharing WICs

News   06-22-2023

Employees are mobile. They have varying work activities at different locations in the company. It is important that employees are correctly informed about the risks of certain substances and the activities that they carry out with them.
As a company, you can achieve this by printing a Workplace instruction card (WIC) and posting it at the relevant location. It would be even easier if your employees could view the WICs themselves on their own mobile device. This is already possible via the Chemrade Cloud, where employees can access the most recent WICs.

In addition, we present the Chemrade DP App: an app for consulting WICs on standalone devices such as tablets or smartphones. Some of you might even be using the app already, as it has been up and running for a while now. You can download the app for free in the App Store or Google Play. Next you can search for a WIC based on 1) workplace, 2) activity, 3) product name, 4) alternative name or 5) product code. It is also possible to open a WIC based on scanning a QR code present at the workplace. Generating QR codes is easy in the app, after which you can export the QR code, print it, and make it available at the workplace. For example, you can generate a unique QR code for a specific workplace. When employees scan this QR code with the DP app, they will see all WICs relevant to this workplace. Generating QR-codes is not only possible based on the workplace, but also based on the other filters mentioned above.

By offering this new option for making WICs available to your employees, we hope to increase the accessibility of safe work instructions. If you would like to use our DP app or if you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.