The Chemrade Masterclasses Chemical Risk Assessment started on 25 February 2021. These masterclasses have been specially developed for Chemrade customers, partners and good working relationships who wish to deepen and update their knowledge of Chemical Risk Assessment. The first three master classes have now taken place.
In the first masterclass, Joost van Rooij (PhD) outlined the EN 689 which forms the basis for the masterclasses and which can be very helpful in determining a strategy for risk assessment within your company. The entire process of risk assessment of hazardous substances in your company is described in this EN 689.

In the second and third masterclasses, the 'Basic Characterization' part of the EN 689 was discussed (see figure above). In order to estimate the exposure of employees, it is important to make an inventory of all products and substances that companies use and to manage the associated safety data sheets. In addition, information about these products and substances must be recorded. Finally, workplace and activity characteristics must be recorded.
In addition to hazardous properties, it is important to establish workplace limit values for the substances. This was the focus of the third master class. In it, Joost van Rooij explained what types of limit values there are and how you can find the correct limit values. Finally, he explained what you can do if no limit values are available for a substance.
Six master classes are planned in May to July. Three master classes on exposure models will follow in May and June. This discusses the EcetocTRA model, Stoffenmanager exposure model and ART model in more detail. Three master classes are planned in June and July on how to perform exposure measurements. The first is about taking measurements in the air, the second about biomonitoring and the third about health surveillance. Click below to register for these masterclasses!